Welcome to Jehovah AMEC

Meet Our Pastor

Reverend Barbara ChisolmGreetings!

Welcome to Jehovah African Methodist Episcopal Church ministry on the world wide web. Our vision at Jehovah has always been to become a church where lives would be transformed. We have always sought to be God's instrument to connect individuals to the transforming power of Jesus Christ. We strongly believe that transformed members can really make a major difference in the community, society, and in the world at large.

Reverend Barbara W. Chisolm is a native of Ridgeville, South Carolina and a 1981 graduate of Cross High School. She has obtained a Bachelors of Arts Degree in Business from Regent University in New York City and a Master Degree in Divinity from Erskine Theological Seminary. Reverend Barbara W. Chisolm is the first woman Senior Pastor of Jehovah AME Church whose congregation numbers approximately 500. Reverend Chisolm is an anointed evangelist and teacher whose vision for God's people enables her to build bridges and reach across denominations, generations, gender, race, culture and ethnicity, changing lives, and rebuilding communities.

Prior to coming to Jehovah A.M.E., Rev. Chisolm was the Senior Pastor at Greater Bethel AME Church, North Charleston, South Carolina. As a result of her steadfast pursuit of excellence in service to God, Jehovah AME Church is a witness to the power of God's holy anointing. The next phase of our journey is to put all of our energies into saving souls and helping each other, as we grow stronger in our relationship with the Lord. More than anything else, God desires to have a close relationship with each of us. The eternal God wants all of mankind to be one with their God. Therefore, we encourage each member to continue to be faithful in the daily reading of the scriptures and look for opportunities to share the love of God with another person, especially the unsaved. Each time we see a person that we think is not saved, we should utter a short prayer to the Lord and ask Him to open the door for us to share our faith and lead that person to Christ.

Reverend Chisolm is a born again, Holy Ghost  filled, and faith preacher. She truly believes that the work God began in her will continue until Jesus comes. She is optimistic, excited, and motivated about God's future plans. She realizes that God is in control of everything, and all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord and called according to His will. Reverend Chisolm is married to Mr. Ronnie D. Chisolm, and God has blessed  their union with four beautiful children: Miss Jondrea, Lavita, Jalisa, and Master Aaron, and one granddaughter Little Miss Alondrea.  Remember, we have what it takes to lead others to Christ. Just remember what Christ means to you. Then share the words from our thought for the coming week, Revelation 22: 1-5, and let the Spirit of the Lord take it from there.

“It's not longer I that liveth, but Christ that liveth in me".  -- Reverend Barbara W. Chisolm

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